allow-hotplug ens6f1 iface ens6f1 inet manual up ifconfig $IFACE -arp up up ip link set $IFACE promisc on down ip link set $IFACE promisc off down ifconfig $IFACE down post-up for i in rx tx sg tso ufo gso gro lro; do ethtool -K $IFACE $i off; done
Nicely lifted from
you can also configure to start tcpdump in post-up
</p> <p>post-up for i in rx tx sg tso ufo gso gro lro; do ethtool -K $IFACE $i off; done; tcpdump -n -i $IFACE -w /var/tmp/trace -C100 -W 999
WIth netplan you can have an interface brought up without an address by adding it with an empty configuration: {}
# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# For more information, see netplan(5).
version: 2
renderer: networkd
dhcp4: yes
ens192: {}
Linux un-numbered interfaces for Packet Capture