Upgrading VMWare VCSA to Update 1B via the web interface (VAMI)
Log in on port 5480. That’s all fine select update and press go
Stops at 70%
It’s in the release notes, but check the logs and likely that it’s completed successfully.
New In the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface, the vCenter Server Appliance update status might be stuck at 70%
In the vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface, the vCenter Server Appliance update status might be stuck at 70%, although the update is successful in the back end. You can check the update status in the /var/log/vmware/applmgmt/software-packages.log file. After a successful update, a message similar to the following is seen in the log file:
update is successful and reboot is required.
Workaround: None.
See this post: http://emadyounis.com/vcenter/vcenter-server-appliance-vcsa-6-0-update-1-rundown/
Just reboot