New profile/new machine. Quick steps to be able to get up and running without hitting all the errors Install Power-CLI Install-Module VMware.PowerCLI -Scope CurrentUser Link: Because without it you can’t run PowerCLI cmdlets Set Execution Policy Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Undefined
Fortigate Internet Service DB lookup
See here Need to run from Global VDOM FW2 # c g FW2 (global) # diagnose internet-service match VDOM Internet Service: 393217(Amazon-Web), matched num: 1 FW2 (global) # diagnose internet-service id | grep -i unifi ID: 7340160 name:
Windows uptime in powershell
Long for the days on linux where you just wanted to type ‘uptime’ to find out when server was last rebooted. Here’s a powershell equivalent To be honest, that is a pain. Lets create it as a function and set
Optical Network Check Hack using Mobile Phone
(Caution: Fibre Optics use lasers, don’t look into the SFP, Optics or patch leads) Ever wanted to know if your optics are working and you don’t have a fibre optic tester to hand? You can use the camera on your
Veeam Agent v5, install v4 (Linux/Ubuntu)
Veeam, in their infinite wisdom, release new server or workstation versions with every major release. Veeam B&R v11 (Biggest Release Ever!) is no different. However there is a massive gotcha, if you use a Service Provider for off premise Cloud
Juniper USB Console
Now I have been using a USB to RJ45 serial for years. A suitable generic FTDI cable that just works. Seen as COM3 in windows and then using putty is a breeze. But what about that neat little Mini USB
Using Fortigate for Cloudian S3 Load Balancer
Most of the Cloudian guides suggest using HA-Proxy or similar as a Load Balancer in front of the Cloudian nodes.However, If you have an Existing Fortigate we can use that. I want to: Use the Fortigate to distribute S3 traffic
S3 Object Lock
There’s got to be a better way…. If you put Object Lock on a bucket and use retention hold periods on your data to protect from early/ransomeware deletion, then when it comes time to remove thate data – how do
DellEMC ESRS-VE Update to error – SOLVED
Issue in upgrading ESRS-VE from to UI shows update is available, but on pressing download we get a suitably generic message: An error has occurred. Internal error occured. Check logs for details Log on to esrs as root
Windows 10 update Error code 0x80240fff
Had the misfortune of needing to rebuild a Windows 10 Pro machine. The only install DVD that I has was from July 2016 – so almost 4 years old. Install went fine, but was left with the install at build