Issue in upgrading ESRS-VE from to UI shows update is available, but on pressing download we get a suitably generic message: An error has occurred. Internal error occured. Check logs for details Log on to esrs as root
Fortinet training for free!

Fortinet have opened up their technical training program for free online here: This includes NSE4 and above now. Previously only for the partner community self paced training material has been available via the partner portal but Fortinet have now
Windows 10 update Error code 0x80240fff
Had the misfortune of needing to rebuild a Windows 10 Pro machine. The only install DVD that I has was from July 2016 – so almost 4 years old. Install went fine, but was left with the install at build
Fortigate SSL VPN User limits
Over the last few days have dealt with a large number of people who are having issues withe remote users seeming being limited to around 10 users. This is because by default, the SSLVPN_TUNNEL_ADDR1 object is created out the box
Fortinet ALG and SIP
Not necessarily limited to Fortinet…. An ALG is an application layer gateway and these helpers are used in some cases where the protocol embeds data about the IP endpoints in the protocol itself. e.g. SIP contains the endpoint IP address
VMware find datastore from naa id
Many log messages come up referring to the device WWN naa id e.g 2019-09-02T10:30:44.337Z: [scsiCorrelator] 304273812631us: [] Device naa.60002ac000000000000000140001eac6 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 826 microseconds to 16837 microseconds. 2019-09-02T10:30:44.337Z: [scsiCorrelator] 304280755082us: [] Device naa.60002ac000000000000000140001eac6
Pure Storage and VVOLs

Without the plugin… The plugin makes it easy to – among other things – register the VVOL vasa provider on the array. But here’s how you do without it. Reasons for not wanting to use the plugin are: Keeps VCSA
VCSA 6.7u2b ISO and LDAP errors
The latest (as of 26th June 2019) version on vCenter Server Appliance is 6.7u2b. This may come as somewhat of a suprise – as that is not available as a download from VMware. We discovered this after deploying 6.7u2, then
Windows Server 2019 Activation Issues
If you try and activate a WIndows 2019 server using a (valid) MAK key, it fails. it’s a known bug and folks have been very vocal on a lot of communities. At this stage, I’m also aware only of the
Create random files
Needing to generate random files on windows? Try this powershell one liner…. Generates 100 1G files of random data. Not as easy as the old dd on linux. But it works Note:fsutil file createnew is no good as it created